PCL Event Invite - University of Leicester Freemens Village and Masterplan Update - 25 April - LAST CHANCE TO BOOK
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Join us for a presentation and tour of the University of Leicester's new Freemens Village as well as an update on the Campus Masterplan on Tuesday 25th April, 6.00pm to 8.30pm.

Our speakers are Kirsty Woodward, Interim Director of Estates and Sarah Peacock, Interim Director of Service Development and Resources.

The University of Leicester’s £150M student village development at Freemen’s was officially unveiled in Autumn 2022 at the start of the 2022/23 academic year.

The landmark regeneration project has seen derelict halls of residence and an open air car park transformed into a high-tech centre for teaching, working and living.

At its heart is the four-storey Sir Bob Burgess Building, which comprises two large lecture theatres, flexible teaching spaces and a state of the art space for staff to work, meet and relax.

The site also includes accommodation for 1,200 students, a social hub including a food outlet and bar and a 555-space multi-storey car park. The project has also seen the sensitive refurbishment and extension of the Grade II-listed Freemen’s Cottages as the centrepiece of the scheme.

The University’s 10 year Campus Masterplan has been developed to deliver substantial building refurbishments with some new developments, in order to tackle backlog maintenance and preserve the special character of our university, while transforming the facilities to deliver a welcoming and cohesive campus experience.

25th April 2023: 6.00pm arrival. 6.30pm presentations and tour. 8.30pm close.

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