A Visit to Area Traffic Control 11 April

11th April 2018: 7.30am arrival for a prompt 8.00am start to presentation and tour. The event will close by 9.30am

Area Traffic Control are responsible for helping manage road transport systems 24/7 across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.

They monitor road networks using CCTV, traffic signals and other technology to help manage traffic flow across the city and beyond.

They log problems and instruct the street engineers to resolve these. The traffic data is also used for developing future traffic schemes such as those that are happening in the city right now.

They are also responsible for the traffic information service, a central database of incidents and roadworks across the city. It also includes data supplied from the police, utility companies, public transport operators and the public.

This event will give you a behind the scenes look at all of their work and an opportunity to tour their facilities.

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